Jane Fonda - Hollywood Legend Regrets Her Facelift

Posted September 13, 2022
Jane Fonda opens up about her plastic surgery

Jane Fonda is known for being a celebrated actress as well as someone who is not afraid to speak her mind when it comes to subjects she is passionate about in life. One of the subjects that is often mentioned when it comes to the 84-year-old actress is the topic of plastic surgery. She has not been shy about the fact that she had plastic surgery in the past, but she also does not like to discuss the topic on a regular basis. Fonda made headlines in 2017 when she refused to talk about plastic surgery with Megyn Kelly. However, the Hollywood legend did discuss the subject in a recent interview with Vogue where she shared some regrets about having a facelift in the past.

Jane Fonda – Discusses Plastic Surgery, Fitness, and Getting Older

Jane Fonda Discusses Plastic Surgery

When it comes to the topic of her facelift, Jane Fonda says she is “not proud” of having a facelift and she did not have any additional cosmetic procedures due to a concern on her part that she could get addicted to cosmetic surgery. She was also worried that she might gain a “distorted” look if she continued to have cosmetic procedures.

In addition to discussing the topic of plastic surgery, Fonda also said how she wants to help reframe the relationship that the public has with getting older. She even talked about her own relationship to the aging process by saying she wants “young people to stop being afraid about getting older.” Instead, she wants them to focus on their health rather than be concerned about the aging process.

Fonda said, “What matters isn’t age, isn’t that chronological number. My dad died six years younger than I am now. He seemed so old because he was ill. He had a heart disease. I’m not ill. So I’m almost 85, but I don’t seem that old.”

(FYI: After this interview was conducted, Fonda was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and has already started chemotherapy treatment.)

The two-time Academy Award winner shared that her decision to discuss the topics of wellness, health, and fitness comes from a desire to help the public realize that reaching “a certain age doesn’t mean you have to give up on life, give up on having fun, give up on having boyfriends or girlfriends, making new friends or whatever you want to do.” Fonda added, “It’s still in the realm of life possibilities for you. That’s why I always tell people what my age is because I want them to realize it.”

Even while she is sharing her opinions with the magazine, Fonda noted she is aware that she enjoys certain privileges that make the aging process easier for her. Fonda told the interviewer that “as those words are coming out of my mouth,” she is also aware of the fact that she has money that allows her easier access to certain fitness and wellness tools. “You can afford a trainer. You can afford plastic surgery. You can afford facials. You can afford the things that help make you continue to look young. That is true. Money does help. Good genes and a lot of money, as somebody once said.”

Jane Fonda – Facelift Regrets Revealed

When looking back on her own history with plastic surgery, Fonda noted the discussion of money and access to tools that help a person look youthful includes the idea that “we all know a lot of women who are wealthy who’ve had all kinds of facelifts and things like that.” She followed up that train of thought by saying she believes these women “look terrible.”

“I had a facelift and I stopped because I don’t want to look distorted. I’m not proud of the fact that I had [one]. Now, I don’t know if I had it to do over if I would do it. But I did it. I admit it, and then I just say, ‘OK, you can get addicted. Don’t keep doing it.’”

While she feels there are likely some women who are “addicted” to having facelifts and other cosmetic procedures designed to help them maintain a youthful look, Fonda noted she likes to stick to the “basics” after having her facelift in the past.

“I don’t do a lot of facials. I don’t spend a lot of money on face creams or anything like that, but I stay moisturized. I sleep, I move, I stay out of the sun, and I have good friends who make me laugh. Laughter is a good thing, too.”

It is refreshing to have a celebrity such as Jane Fonda who is not afraid to admit to having plastic surgery and is also willing to share her thoughts on the topic. It is also nice that she does not seem to be very judgmental of others who have undergone plastic surgery in the past even when it is apparent that having a cosmetic procedure is not something she wants to do anytime in the near future.

- MA


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